Spicy Beer Cheddar Cheese Spread

Our Spicy Beer Cheddar Spread features real Wisconsin Aged cheddar cheese complemented with spicy beer! A true Wisconsin original. Use in your favorite beer cheese soup recipe or on your favorite pretzel or bread. Perfect for tailgating or game day munchies! Sold in 8 oz containers.

Spicy Beer Cheddar Cold Pack Cheese Spread

Product Description: Spicy Beer Cheddar Cold Pack Cheese Spread combines the bold, sharp taste of cheddar cheese with the malty undertones of beer. Perfect for those who enjoy rich, zesty flavors.

Pairings and Complementary Flavors:

Cocktails: Margarita, Gin and Tonic, Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary
~ The citrusy, slightly sweet profile of a classic Margarita complements the spiciness of the spread, while a Gin and Tonic with a twist of lime provides a refreshing and light contrast.
~ The smooth nature of Whiskey Sour balances the boldness of the spicy cheddar spread.
~ The tomato juice base and an array of spices in Bloody Mary are a savory choice and enhance the spiciness and richness of the cheddar spread.

Wine: Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel, Pinot Noir
~ A full-bodied, oaked buttery Chardonnay complements the creamy texture and stands up to the rich flavors of the spread.
~ Riesling balances the heat with its slightly sweet profile while its acidity cuts through the richness.
~ Sauvignon Blanc‘s high acidity and citrus notes cut through the creaminess.
~ The bold fruit flavors and spicy notes in Zinfandel pair nicely with the richness of this spread.
~ Pinot Noir, known for its subtle flavors and smooth texture, provides a nice balance.

Beer: Stout, Porter, IPA, Amber Ale, Pilsner, Saison
The rich, roasted flavors in Stout or Porter complement the creamy, robust nature of the spread.
~ The hoppy bitterness of an IPA stands up to the spiciness and provides a refreshing contrast.
~ The malt and hops of an Amber Ale harmonize well with the rich and spicy flavors, while a clean and crisp Pilsner offers a refreshing counterpoint to the cheese spread.
~ The slightly spicy and fruity character of Saison complements the spice in the cheese while its carbonation cuts through the richness.

Accompaniments: pretzels, nuts, meats, pickled vegetables, olives
Soft or hard pretzels are a natural pairing.
~ Almonds, walnuts, or pecans add a crunchy texture and nutty flavor, while ham, salami, or prosciutto, with their savory flavors, enhance the overall tasting experience.
~ Pickled vegetables or olives bring acidity and tanginess that cut through the creaminess of the spread.

Suggested uses:

  • Heat it and use it as a dip for nachos or soft pretzels.
  • Provides a spicy, flavorful twist when spread on sandwiches, wraps, burgers, or hot dogs.
  • Adds enhanced richness and depth of flavor to dips, sauces, and soups.

About This Product


Our Spicy Beer Cheddar Spread features real Wisconsin Aged cheddar cheese complemented with spicy beer! A true Wisconsin original. Use in your favorite beer cheese soup recipe or on your favorite pretzel or bread. Perfect for tailgating or game day munchies! Sold in 8 oz containers.

Spicy Beer Cheddar Cold Pack Cheese Spread

Product Description: Spicy Beer Cheddar Cold Pack Cheese Spread combines the bold, sharp taste of cheddar cheese with the malty undertones of beer. Perfect for those who enjoy rich, zesty flavors.

Pairings and Complementary Flavors:

Cocktails: Margarita, Gin and Tonic, Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary
~ The citrusy, slightly sweet profile of a classic Margarita complements the spiciness of the spread, while a Gin and Tonic with a twist of lime provides a refreshing and light contrast.
~ The smooth nature of Whiskey Sour balances the boldness of the spicy cheddar spread.
~ The tomato juice base and an array of spices in Bloody Mary are a savory choice and enhance the spiciness and richness of the cheddar spread.

Wine: Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel, Pinot Noir
~ A full-bodied, oaked buttery Chardonnay complements the creamy texture and stands up to the rich flavors of the spread.
~ Riesling balances the heat with its slightly sweet profile while its acidity cuts through the richness.
~ Sauvignon Blanc‘s high acidity and citrus notes cut through the creaminess.
~ The bold fruit flavors and spicy notes in Zinfandel pair nicely with the richness of this spread.
~ Pinot Noir, known for its subtle flavors and smooth texture, provides a nice balance.

Beer: Stout, Porter, IPA, Amber Ale, Pilsner, Saison
The rich, roasted flavors in Stout or Porter complement the creamy, robust nature of the spread.
~ The hoppy bitterness of an IPA stands up to the spiciness and provides a refreshing contrast.
~ The malt and hops of an Amber Ale harmonize well with the rich and spicy flavors, while a clean and crisp Pilsner offers a refreshing counterpoint to the cheese spread.
~ The slightly spicy and fruity character of Saison complements the spice in the cheese while its carbonation cuts through the richness.

Accompaniments: pretzels, nuts, meats, pickled vegetables, olives
Soft or hard pretzels are a natural pairing.
~ Almonds, walnuts, or pecans add a crunchy texture and nutty flavor, while ham, salami, or prosciutto, with their savory flavors, enhance the overall tasting experience.
~ Pickled vegetables or olives bring acidity and tanginess that cut through the creaminess of the spread.

Suggested uses:

  • Heat it and use it as a dip for nachos or soft pretzels.
  • Provides a spicy, flavorful twist when spread on sandwiches, wraps, burgers, or hot dogs.
  • Adds enhanced richness and depth of flavor to dips, sauces, and soups.

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